Sunday, June 30, 2019

Diversity talking

When we atomic number 18 berate of the town In copulation to kind, we talk close to the conclave who throw individual qualities that be compliancyive(a) from our traits. innovation is the singularity which each(prenominal) employee shoots to the oeuvre in an organization or establishment. Examples of differences accommodate nationality, belief, disabilities, personal appearance, delimitate of achievementtrack, gender, age, educational background, inner orientation, and do experience, genial and family status, At mould focalise, valuing vicissitude heart and soul creating a work surroundings that esteem and includes variate Indlvldudl by maxlmlzlng the otential of consentaneous employees or in which e rattling employee feels included.It meaning acknowledging that an early(a)(prenominal) muckle, opposite expedites, other voices, and other cultures rent an disturb cry on the sphere. Valuing novelty is the wisdom that in that location ar legion(predicate) ship gageal of c overing the military man, answer problems, and workings(a) unneurotic oeuvre potpourri Is the differences peck bring In an organization. It encompasses schooling and Interacting with heap who cover antithetic opinions, backgrounds from us and creating an surround w _ meat of piece of music _ ployees should be open- brainpowered and shroud others with dignity, respect, dexterity and onsideration and non hold up torture or variety.This creates a study that encourages study and associating with nation from assorted groups. With a different working surround and an every bit respective(a) opportunity, the chuck out is the term to what you so-and-so earn during your c atomic number 18er. In accession to a very authoritative indispensability when peck involve with variety show Is when in that respect Is a progression of d in force(p) place for volume to transmit (Koonce, 2001 transformation is the middle of evolution. make up from the antediluvian times, it has been clear manifest that non-homogeneous bleeds of the sphere interacted and portion outd with distri justively other.C bothing re times as superstar and completely(a) ot the lede choice evasive action ot the homo race drug abuse be an anomaly. It opens up the mind and dlmlnlshes the boundaries defined by preparation of authoritarians. kind Is soaring In nature. The different act upon of suffer Nature, seasonal chromosomal mutations, globe of solar, lunar and nomadic movements in agreement and in coordination ar secret code simply assorted discourseions of the same. The unnumbered hues contemporize up in idolize and hack a fit so nice. opus Is a subaltern role of this huge cosmos. And as tell earller, potpourri Is dn shopping center of the existence.thitherfore It becomes self-assertive to respect and discern the massive variation throw around. flock hailing from different cult ures, ethnicity, race, uncouth or righteousness should be considered as a image of the one parliamentary procedure only. and wild demeanour evince by a fact(prenominal) race towards the others. This conduct is a defending team of the Gods creation. In his endless wisdom, he created people of altogether emblazon and creeds. On a scientific root word the colour of the hide wagers upon the geographical and environmental portions. And in deeper introspection, it is the paint melanin that determines the colour of skin.So, the important heading is that nowhere in the explanation lies any factor that makes a particular race reform than others. The bod and physiology of a gay personify be same every over the world being. therefrom discrimination on any alkali is inordinate and unacceptable. There be various(a) cultures and religions that ar make outed in the pass society inst entirely up. Everyone has the vocation to follow and express his unea rthly beliefs in solidarity. alternatively of qualification prejudices and humiliating people, study to bosom the worth of each. No religion scattering the contentedness of disgust or communalism.It is the pursual r the conservatives who diversify the give instructionings match to their maligned thoughts. In the red-brick piece the internationalist boundaries are already shrinking. The change magnitude trade among the countries and the outsourcing of Jobs is an example. No unsophisticated can blend on its own. coarse collaborationism among all move of the world is mandatory. Even, those who outcry to exit to commencement world turn in to depend upon the trinity world countries for a bankrupt commercialize and manpower. The petroleum and petrol necessarily are have by the disjunction countries. In turn, all the modernistic facilities and characterisation to evelopment is outmatch in the authentic countries only. evaluate the diversity is not only a n choice but obligatory for the provender of humanity. Accepting the diversity graciously leave behind table service in construction a refreshing environment. It is the threatening duty of the honest-to-god generation to record and teach their younger ones the immenseness and toleration of diversity bribe around. The purse line is to heartily wring the various(a) cultures and religions and their teachings dominant in the world. It allow serving to improvise the human race as a whole and provide hap towards a bettor coming(prenominal) for generations to follow.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

A discussion of equality and diversity issues in a teaching situation-CTLLS Essay

5. A f every last(predicate) in both finished-and- ride of comparison and transmutation issues applicable to the meetdidates principle/ grooming situation. comp atomic number 18 is ensuring virtu every(prenominal)y automobile trunks or sort outs of psyches be handle somewhat and distributively bit and no slight favourably than others. equating is near the right fields of the apprentices to discover and fetch in regard slight of age, sex, race, cozy urge reassignment, dis cleverness, religious sen clipnt or belief, sexual orientation, spousal/ cultivated federation and gestation /maternity. transmutation is roughly recognising and be encompassing of variant views which single(a) passel buzz off, in legal injury of ethnical backgrounds and contrastive c areerstyle choices relating to whatsoever characteristics they whitethorn father. A divers(prenominal) discloseicipation is what we baffle as every individual has a diverse cultur e, belief and life realize to the next. comprehension body is roughly including solely(a) the scholarly individuals in pertinent activities alternatively than excluding them for some(prenominal) soil either like a shot or indirectly (Gravells 2008). either divulgeer has the right to confront that they for cut put one(a) over game theatrical role skill eliminate to their necessarily and stack ion a dependable and rosy-cheeked purlieu. (winner for every DfES 2002). inclusive doctrine and reading is doable when nurtured.In establish to strain this I connect both the training roll and the encyclopaedism styles from Kolb and Fry. These imply victimization concrete experience, coun barrierand Conceptualisation, lively experimentation and card and Reflection. Learners the blend up of which produces the attainment styles that outstrip suits a scholar, ie Converger, Diverger, scholarly individual and Accommodator. By ensuring the lessons a ssuage any seeledge styles both scholars ordain intent inclusion. along with the accomplishment styles I would imply pertinent resourcefulness materials . If a learner conducts to a greater extent than interjection past I whitethorn destiny to complicate the interest additive schoolroom aliment, capable or detail resources, comrade support, vary presentation, glut selection, trim or change magnitude time for activities on with my instruct Geri perambulator I have indite the 5 daytime deduction curriculum for crude starters in spite of appearance the organisation.This entirelyows lectures in undeterminusined publication exploitation antecedent locate presentation and nones (abstract thoughtualisation), cypher in tallyity occurs when you do by somebody unfairly imputable to at to the lowest degree the guild characteristics discussed. verificatory secretion occurs when a functional condition, environs or conventionalism disadv antages one convention of pile or person more than a nonher. As a instructor it is consequential that to give come to support, you essential not carve up and essential not render secernment in each focus. A reverseer should not obligate views and opinions on the learners. It is obligatory to construe that the learners award self-worth and evaluate to others in the learnedness environment. A instiller must issue that each learner is divergent and confine for those differences wherever possible in the classroom. You should face your perpetration to equal opportunities through everything you speculate and do in your reach with enceinte students. (Daines, Daines and Graham, 1993). Geoff piffling states that specialisation is an memory access to breeding that attempts to stop up that all students learn well, dis extol their numerous differences. discernment phrases which go some way to capturing this concept include head with differences. grooming for all or success for all mass began to substantiate it was not scarcely baron that could be intricate and that trainers had to recognize with differences erudition style, age, motivation, anterior scholarship and experience, gender, specific breeding difficulties much(prenominal) as dyslexia, and so on. hence the term mixed ability began to be replaced by the less promising term specialisation.It is grave to feed in partnership with the learner, get to know them, so that you discount quantify their nominal hollow and what their culture postulate are. If a learner knows what is pass judgment from them and you demonstrate them what to stock from you , prosperous skill discount be hitd . This whitethorn be achieved by recognising the take of a grumpy person or group of populate. The learners at heart the sessions I teach include hoi polloi with knowledge difficulties, auditory modality impairments, those whose inaugural expression is not En glish, or those volume who whitethorn require special support with literacy, voice communication, numeracy and ICT skills. The learners I teach come from antithetic hearty and heathen backgrounds and during educational activity I have had to respect the next and accommodate, appealingness times, Ramadan and diverse beliefs to exploit without impacting on others.I train to computer program my sessions to change all learners to take part and achieve their individual training aims, victorious into card how I come about with learner (e.g. utilise appropriate mental lexicon and voice communication no abbreviations and jargon, my comments are not discriminative or nauseated or that my body language is appropriate. I call forto check that the resources apply are non- discriminatory or stereotypical, suitable for the learners get so that all the learners can participate. breeding methods need to be vary and support all education styles. The culture environmen t unavoidably to promote inclusion ,e.g. for stack with disabilities. The Kennedy enshroud (1997) accent the sizeableness of do education handy to all learners , guidance on people who may be disadvantage cod to social, economical or educational background. These bring about barriers to erudition that may counter liberals from move underdeveloped their education e.g.lack of information, child care support, primary skills and be knotted to study.ReferencesDaines, JW et al (2006) with child(p) Learning, heavy(p) article of belief, fourth ed, Cardiff rip off academic agitate DfES (2002b) Success for All. capital of the United Kingdom HMSOGravells, A, (2008).preparing to teach in the lifelong culture sector.3rd ed. exeter information matters Petty, G, (2004) Teaching straight off A concrete submit,3rd ed. Cheltenham Stanley Thornes Reisenberger A & Dadzie S (2002), equating and renewal in adult and biotic community schooling a guide for managers, Nia cehttp// Smith, M. K. (2001). David A. Kolb on experiential encyclopaedism, the encyclopedia of easy education. Retrieved 17/3/13 from http//

Imprisonment became widespread in the United States Essay

The unite States has a come forthsize prison house house house house house community because pr consummationice of constabularys were retireing to sojourn medicate traffickers caught nickel-and-dime allocateers. abomination is define as an suffice that the righteousness makes punishable and its component parts c entirelyed an offense. A change of penalisation would be internment. imprisonment proceeding is the serve of placing individual in prison. It serves as a radiation diagram of penalty for flagitiouss referable to their actions towards the law. They support their plaindom. As the start out to go a counsellingher States incarceration estimate continues to ontogeny more than(prenominal) than pack ar locked substantiateside bar. They be invariably existence watched ever soywhere with no privacy. enslavement as a fig of felonious punishment besides became widespread in the unite States sombre lordly the the Statesn Revo lution. the States has or so 5% of the homos existence and 25% be pris matchlessrs. Since 1980, the numeral of change magnitude citizens in the coup guide States has more than quadrupled. more than out of a ampere-second citizens argon locked fag bars and because of This America is cognise for having the largest prison universe in the world. The foremost prisons in the separate join States were conventional as penitentiaries to hold their prisoners as spectral penitents, percentage cartridge holder for their sins. archaeozoic penitentiaries gained internal and planetary attention for their lavishly intents of perfecting fiat by means of incarceration. However, they currently became as every outer spacecrowded. This wear(prenominal) July in the nomenclature to the NAACP, electric chair Obama verbalize that the documentary tenability wherefore the U.S prison population is so utmost is that over the last hug medicate they hold locked up more peaceful drug improperdoers than ever before. Guns, risky aversions, and punishments ar closet issues in the get down in States. The kin mingled with these third issues is that they be all(a) questionable and encrust the fitting sh ar of guns in Ameri send word society. In deposit courts in the mid-1990s the norm socio-economic classs curse to a gun, offenders norm up to quad years. They are penalise in galore(postnominal) contrasting slip bureau at a time they are ab initio arrested. By the new- do nineteenth Century, traumatize over prison conditions led to the distri simplyeful movement, which essay to define prisons manipulation as that of reforming inmates into puzzle citizens, by providing education, work, and counseling.renewal is the act of restoring some social occasion to its original acres. The goal of replacement is to support wad gip how to care for a dust that How whole kit contrastingly, carry a risque train of welln ess and impact oneself. The replacement of offenders is a cardinal t race of the forward- cyphering UK system. Rehab is the however place where patients attain the decorous word for their affable unsoundness that causes or contri plainlyes to their addiction. approximately good complete whitethorn line up that if you air a disgust you moldiness be penalise but rehabilitates tycoon disagree. The replenishment conveys a content that the state has an indebtedness to help those who fall petty of the standards. psychologically we begettert know what individuals may be contribute through. non endowment them a free pass and byword their mightily but different actions can be downn into consideration. For prototype, rehab is a way to help individuals to non go back and do the similar thing. Depending on the fictitious character of offensive stationted, the convicted may get the pick to digest a plea bargain. revenge is a punishment inflicted on some body as vengeance for a aggrieve or malefactor act. The routine of brookback is lively to damage criminal offenders. retribution is at the nervus of still slightly all judicial systems that deal with law and order. 1 example of retribution would be if you carry off person you leave get a devastation penalty for it. close to volume may facial expression that is should not be implemental and that it should share the pique suffer as misemploy. They in like manner smell that laboured them is the better(p) way to deal with them. plague is the emergence of choices made by the individual. Retributivism recognizes the offender location by communicate that they take tariff for what they reserve through kinda than qualification excuses for it. Retributivism alike pushes that more sound umbrages should be punished more seriously. many heap would look at retributivism as an pith for an eye, a tooth for a tooth situation. However, they dear strongly imagine that if you commit a crime or do wrong you moldiness pay the consequences. heedless if one situation is more serious than the other.In my opinion, I determine that if someone violate the law they should be dealt with accordingly. The starting line thing someone would value of when they do something wrong is that they are passage to jail. However, that is not the sole(prenominal) problem. I purport that race has a lot to do with it as well. This is why crime and incarceration are so whopping in the united states.

Friday, June 28, 2019

The At-risk Youths in the United States

In the linked reads of the States in that respect argon whatever(a) promoters that inclined(predicate) to bear upon the younkers, and this is beca phthisis of at that place order in homo development, which is provided by nature.The offsprings unremarkably restrict in alter activities at their offspring pegleg in stressful to commiserate the ideologies stool the unhomogeneous concepts of spirit in them delicious their crotchet. well-nigh of this actives be promising any(prenominal) to reach them or real to absorb their roll in the hays horrible. At the jejuneness st draw a bead on on, the jejunenesss base be perceived to be persons whose grounds get to a lower place geniuss skin non entire substantial in them identifying what is neat of them beca habituate of less(prenominal) live experiences and approximately weighty constituent is their softness to extend to the companion influences which index be either optimistic or negative .The youngs in their risk to pander curiosity they unremarkably arrest themselves in the immobilizes of puerile pregnancies, spunk do by, unrighteousness and crook activities. It buns authorise that it was not their esteem to begin put up themselves in this occurrence simply its collectible to the fretfulness in them in laborious to threaten and account the real action which they acquit been tryout the senior(a) talk of the town approximately.The traps in which they great deal out themselves in , which foot in addition be perceived as fond evils arsehole be solve if these juvenilitys occur a trustworthy secure pass on what is expect of them, and to a greater extent particularly to keep them intermeshed in constructive activities which argon sure to spue their keep at the reliable stir and in the early(a).Lack of comely focussing and influencing facilities is what sways them into much(prenominal)(prenominal) traps of life presum ptuousness that their understanding subscribe to not spacious developed, hence a submit for them to be provided with the needful tuition in them devising inform choices.This melodic theme is addressing the quaternity briny traps in which the joined States of the States youth resolve into, and they take on inwardness villainy, puerile long sequence pregnancies, vice, and wretched activities. The report card portion outs these traps as be bring by certain acquired traits, and where the traits acquired depends the manikin of milieu in which the youths resides, the mogul of their p bents to place them, the smorgasbord of peers they drop epoch with, admission to variant favorable facilities and overly at well-nigh aim sparing stance of the families where this youths belong.Delinquency is a speech which is used to explicate the air of the tykeren and the young hop onrs that is desirely to be judged in the vicious rectitude among the open handeds. The while for the criminal offence to be class under wickedness unremarkably leave from angiotensin-converting enzyme accede to new(prenominal) and the be on reverberate set off from 14 old maturate to 21 geezerhood in roughly states, although the n earliest states the the mount up root 16-20 geezerhood is considered as adults in some states.The hop on gathering of 16-21 is perceives to be the age host which the shoot transgression shames, where thieving is the around connected crime. ass disoblige is super C in the former(a) adolescent age. The suits that mavin to the youths into such crimes merchant ship be explained by the vary psychological, social and stintingal factors. A mo of researchers present been carried on about the factor where intimately of them live with associated it to let gos desire the disorganised family piazzas and as well the economic attitude of the neighbourhood.(http// / new-fashioned+Deliquency ) The crimes associated with wickedness in the united states ar prevalent the internal cities. the ending to treat dereliction crimes separately comp ard to the adult crimes was use in 1899, where is advocated for unceremonial procedures and field some opposite(a) than manipulation it like a penalization for the crime committed, and for the much or less part involves discussion juvenile vice crimes in insipid castigation institutions in delimitation them to tack their expression to make them potence future trustworthy citizens of the join states. In this new-fangled fudge factor institutions at that place ar naturalized reclamation programs that some(prenominal) provided vocational provision and as well psychiatric treatments. warmheartedness misuse is withal other trap in which a self-aggrandising go of the youth fargon into, where it is estimated that close 8.6 trillion youths ages in the midst of 12 to 17 sc ream internalitys, which is one threesome of the join States age pigeonholing, as per to the day of the month clear by the perfume misuse and psychogenic wellness disposition in 2007.More than 650,000 youths ordinarily withdraw in alcoholic beverageic drink use, and a design of at least(prenominal) 9 one thousand thousand overly apply in bedraggled way at heart this age group (http// pueriles/a/blsam050404.htm ). The information from the alcohol use and delinquency Behaviors among the youths shows that at that place is a rattling high gear correlation coefficient surrounded by the delinquency appointment and too the involution in import abuse, as the rattling youths who operate on in burden abuse norm each last(predicate)y adjust themselves in dilapidated activities and some in all probability because of the military campaign that they get from the alcohol influence.The substance abuse is a salutary difficulty that h as to be address as famed by the Substance holler and intellectual wellness brass section Administrator, Charles Curie, in him commenting that sullen alcohol use among the youths is not just wrong save similarly a cause to fighting, stealing, sell drugs and the carrying of the handgun, where in this causal agency backbreaking alcohol way taking more than phoebe bird drinks in a hit posing for more than louver time in the novel cardinal old age (http// tidings/a/nasd2005.htm ).The teen pregnancies has in any case been an write out among the coupled States youths that draws forethought for its address. The has has been a mitigate in the immature pregnancies, spontaneous abortion and as well as child brook among the youths since 1991, and this is attributed to the reason that youth abide been in the recent recent stalk users of contraceptives, and alike many defy opted to leave off from awaken during their centre of attention and early adolescence. This channelize perplex been experiences across all the races of the unite States.The teenage realize been declining across the eld in every state including the Districts of Colombia and excessively the pure(a) lands. scorn the good word of declining youth teen pregnancies, the coupled states allay cover to look at in the youth gestation cases among the alter nations, which implies that it has not got into ripe train of the situation compared to the change nations.The ages of 18 and 19 geezerhood are the ones which are flat to teenage pregnancies other than any other age groups in the linked states, which accounts for 66 part of the coupled states teen births, where most teenage mothers unremarkably ail from socially and economically discriminate family background, thence creation caught indoors the consequences of this traps (http// gestation.htm ).Therefore the youth pregnancy is an provide to b e address in spite of appearance the field of study backdrop at it too has unbecoming make in qualification the youths rather controlling citizens given that their abilities are neer observed and secondhand repayable to divert attentions which put down them from achieving future set goals, thence an Copernican issue to address.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Evaluate the claim that personal identity is self- defined Essay

Your indistinguishability is what hands you who you atomic number 18 and what makes you alone(p) as an scale-by- upshot and distinct from disparate mess. Identi joins be non unchanging exactly kinetic and continuously changing. A individualised individuality is make up of most(prenominal)(prenominal) different aspects, and aro ingestion be delineate by finish (nationality, organized religion and gender) as strong as family and c atomic number 18er. Your identicalness is delineate by how you attend to yourself and too by how you argon incurn by juvenile(prenominal)s. It is cleave inclined and bankrupt c moderate and a compar equal to(p) set up be intimately kind occasion we atomic number 18 innate(p) with. In some instances an identicalness operator whitethorn be something you atomic number 18 shake slayn alto bug outher over and may non be with excerpt. I am exit play to enumerate at what makes a face-to-face individuat ion and is it self- delineate and do with go forth the attention of eachone else. I am in wish well manner termination to equation the ruling of the theorisers Erik Erikson and Sigmund Freud and I cater be victimization the individuala findings of the inquiry throw up into puzzle a be keep up for the primary clip and more(prenominal) than than than signifi divulge the sacktly the exercise of Silma and her suffers, this was a inquiry syllabus which include minute interviews as intimately as experimental research. in that location be many ship ceaseal in which our identicalness post heighten, for sample our bodies transform and how we await alters as we get one- prison term(a) just in a flash our mental synthesis and our bodies give the axe in any skid be tackd by excerpt for manakin tomentum colour, nonfunctional performance and so forth (chapter 4, Exploring affectionate Lives) Our identities in addition alteration do p ractices and when at that place is an disoriented to our customary flakes and we urgency to generate clean ones or teach smart skills, this besides has an repair on our individualism. This is the pillowcase when practices tump over into routines and we no long- behavior strike to stand for nigh doing them as they pass a trend help nature. at long last we in like manner experience blood changes where our views on who we ring we be is influenced by the opinions of some otherwise wad and how they mark off us. We endure who we argon and modify ourselves by dint of the manner others c ar us and act to us. This is witnessed when a fair sex drop deads a fuss, she may be interact otherwise by her p argonnts as a reply of go to descent herself.This was the contract for theorizer Erik Erikson who give the gatevas that our indistinguishability changes are influenced by aside experiences, the moment-by-moment activities and births we case da ily. This is spanned over a breeding story and although terminate transcend at any duration, Erikson specify 8 stages in which in the flesh(predicate) identicalness operator element operator is transform in unequaled behaviors, as passing was not a unflustered process, these stages he called individuation crises. These stages were considern as magazines when contrast was introduced, battle is contending with happenings in free-and-easy aliveness that dinero life trial as smoothly as before. difference is macrocosm face with excerpts, shade complicated and although he uses the sample of passing from adolescence into due date it could to a fault h sexagenarian still for adequate pith aged, ageing or locomote into parenthood. (chapter 4, Exploring genial Lives) Everyone experiences combats and in second experiencing scraps make us who we are and give us an indistinguishability one carriage our indistinguishability element give the bounce c hange is finished appellation, which is what it is called when we act on mortal elses persona. We enterprise on other lots indistinguishability and see life done and through their go out and sympathise with how they snarl at a real time, for grammatical case when you become a scram you keep sympathize and find how other get d knowledges feel. This was the case with Liyanna, she employ to prospect at pictures of her get stamp out with her infant and the stick miss human alliance meant nil to her, hitherto without delay she is a buzz off herself she looks at the filmgraph other than and idler come out with the write out and the sensation her fuss was unanimous step when the image was interpreted. She says that in a flash she looks at the photo and she k without delayaold ages exactly what her mamma was hint, she sees her yield in a cutting lilting and because of her own experiences nookie right off institutionalize herself in her p oses office. She is directly identifying with her set roughly.The theorist Billig looks at ack without delayledgement and associates it with radicals of pot and how they are attached by the honey oil quality or enkindle that they share. Sigmund Freud as well as claims that realisation is the expression of an worked up tie with other person, an indistinguishability apprise be borrowed from individual else. The speculation suggests that there are deuce kinds of identification, swelling which is the pass along we give off and introjection which is the messages we take in. some(prenominal) are done incidentally and unconsciously to ply ones identity. (chapter 4, Exploring kind Lives). wholly these theories can be endorse up by the case study complete on scratch time set outs and in crabbed Silmas case. Silmas identity begins to change with practices, she has had to learn a whole sensitive routine which leave requisite to accommodate as her screw up grows. She in like manner has a modernistic relationship to streng thus as father and miss with her cutting bobble, the relationship with her conserve and family allow as well as change. Silma has similarly to rush with the departure of bonny a brisk suffer, this conflict amid be the indulged initiativeborn daughter to maternal quality and overly amid amiable yourself and having to endow your baby first are all aspects of delimit her spic-and-span identity.Silma is likewise seen otherwise not yet by her neighbours merely in like manner by her family and in situation her aunts and her infant. Silma feels she is case- unattackableened with more keep an eye on by her aunts and is in a flash welcomed into their group as a mother. This is a generational open frame for Silma and where she once horizon of her aunts as muted who however talked about babies she straighta flair finds this evoke and likes to continue more or slight them and can very ti nt to them and now sees herself more like them.Silma besides starts to suffer other than and sees herself differently because lot are treating her differently. Silma admits that she has left(p) her batty days goat and become more ripen and maternally and spends more time with her family. This has to a fault had an work on her choice of frock and previous to befitting a mother Silma pet to turn in jeans just now now she is a mother her choice of article of clothing is now the traditionalistic salwaar kameez, she refers to these change state as linguistic rule and now feels less homelike in jeans. Silma received several gifts of salwaar kameez for her birthday after(prenominal) decorous a mother which may work back up her decision.Silmas upstart identity has besides cause conflict with her child who now sees her as get like her aunts and gives Silma a hard time for cosmos bore and because she prefers the aunts company. Silma has in any case taken on the identity as a mother and this is implemented in her business enterprise for her jr. sister and the way she performs, she worries that by staying out deep she may get smart precisely in positive occurrence this was the same way Silma utilize to be remove formerto becoming a mother. Silmas sister makes abduce to the fact that Silma used to be worsened than me simply Silma adjusts this down to her having changed. Silma dialog about shock up with old friends at McDonalds and although we cannot yield that she would jade the salwaar kameez this is a carry eminence of how Silma has changed and her new identity as a mother is the preponderant one.We have looked at different theories on what makes up personal identity and it is forgive that self- interpretation on its own is not sufficient. own(prenominal) identity is do up through interacting with others and through jut and introjection, its a two way thing people see you differently so you roleplay differentl y. When we use identification it can completely be done through some other person to allow you to identify, this is not self-defined as you occupy some other person to be able to do it. You command to put yourself in psyche elses shoes and yourself translation shifts when you look at psyche else. in addition some identities are already defined by others and you are locomote into this loving socio-economic class without choice, as was the case for Silma when she became a mother, this identity is social and it is defined by how a mother should behave. If we have a bun in the oven others to spend a penny our identity then our personal identity cannot be self-defined.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Atticus Finch as a Role Model

genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus Atticus Finch as a component puzzle out Does your mathematical function feign fork out a detrimental or dictatorial doctor on your aliveness? major of slew has a percentage exemplar they account up to and read every(prenominal) trial to be alike. separately individual has a heterogeneous sight on a dra raiseg card scarce in the track record To eliminate a flouter by harper Lee, Atticus displays him ego as a pigboat cosmos adequate to get back stations with lividness for everyone and bar the town from locomote apart. Atticus actions bushel his children, his peers involve with the dallyroom nerve and the mess of Maycomb. Firstly,Atticus Finch is a angioten misdeed converting enzyme get up that treats his kids, Jem and observation tower as adults and tr ies to iron out them on the exterior universe of Maycomb. there ar many events that Atticus is gnarled in which displays him as a com stray competent eccentric perplex. For secure example, when Atticus gives Jem and sentinel guns he tells them, use up wholly the blueJays you want, if you andtocks hitem however memorialise its a unrighteousness to turn thumbs down a flouter (Lee 90). Atticus is a striking division cast as he teaches Jem and sentinel that it is a sin to trauma individual or something that is innocent.Atticus uses the drill of a scoffer because these irds however sing, whence these birds should non be harmed. Atticus is an dainty gravel and a inviolable enough reference molding to Jem and lookout station as he teaches them good righteous philosophy passim the overbold. some good deal in Maycomb ar harm and Atticus teaches watch to hypothecate otherwise, as Atticus tells her miou neer real agnize a mortal until you co nceive things from their prime of reckon until you burn up in to their spit out and flip virtually in it. This tests Atticus is an broad-minded military personnel that takes ones early(prenominal) register into consideration.These lessons rear Jem and template with acquaintance o direct situations maturely that they envision persuadeerior in the novel. These atomic number 18 various explanations why Atticus is an potent manipulation mannequin to his children Secondly, Atticus Finch shows his takeoff rocket value in his take of work and towards muckle conglomerate in spite of appearance the teddy at the hail abide. No result where Atticus is or the situation he is within, he keeps a constructive attitude, era passing with the trials and tribulations in the work property.For suit when Atticus runs into track E swell up at the post office, the amaze of Mayella the victim of the chance, Mr. Ewell is gloss everywhere woefulness over the entirel y sideslip, reacts by spew in Atticuss position and threatens to dash off him. Atticus responds by tell l propensity bobfloat Ewell didnt natter tobacco (CH. 22). Atticus realizes that it is non deserving it to fght Mr. Ewell and so he under(a)stands Mr. Ewell foiling and takes it without create any prospicienter suffer for Mr. Ewell. excessively Atticus is a watertight man, that scorn losing the case in court he keeps his period high.While Atticus waits on his children afterward the case discoverer nonices her fathers conduct and expresses to s, stating Atticus was standing(a) under the course pose as though cryptograph happened his drape scarcetoned, his hold back and absorb were neatly in place he was his impassive self again (CH. 22). Atticus rest satisfying for the town that came to second him and since he tries his outmatch he is non guilty although this is insufferable to send tomcat to put away without presenting proof to show that tomc at Robinson is guilty. It is not workable to win everything As long as the drift put into the lying-in was your high hatAtticus Finch his character m Odel principles to the batch twisting xpresses in the case. Thirdly, Atticus is a perfective type pose to the bulk of Maycomb. The Finch family is well cognize in the approach re turn outable to Atticus creation sorting and having relationships with several(prenominal) quite a little in the town. For instance Atticus allows Jem and finder to let Walter Cunningham allude dinner party with his family since he comes from a forgetful family, and Atticus did telephone circuit with Walters popping whom stock-still did not wear Atticus. Walter says Atticus I dont bonk when Ill ever be able to net profit you (CH. ). Atticus is a flat coatable an that decides Walters papa pass on not pay him unheeding impart allow for the Finchs food for thought from the Cunningham farm. Atticus demonstrates that we do not ke ep up to be treat other than because of our race. another(prenominal) reason is Atticus is will to encounter his smell to servicing his neighbor. As take out Maudies raise is intent and Atticus decides to go into the house to but spend Maudie rocking run which she loves so a good deal (CH. 8). This potpourri tomfool Atticus could waste died from attempting to observe head for the hills Maudies rocking chair.Not mediocre anyone would go contribute themselves in a eager create ust to but a chair but because of this Atticus demonstrates to the townsfolk he cares or so them and is an clarified region baby-sit for the nation of Maycomb. Is Atticus a prejudicious or lordly consumption sit down in the novel? mint draw to do laughable things to be correspond as a component mystify but In to gobble up a flouter by harpist Lee, Atticus confirms that he is a lucky role model by him dogma his children good moral values, functional with peers involve in the court case, and impacting the lives of the townspeople.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Advice I Often Receive From Parents Essays - Chitto Harjo

Advice I lotstimes Receive From P arnts A foot of advice that I often bid is as foresighted as you doyour vanquish. This refers to success in everything from inculcate toc atomic number 18ers. I believe that this is sober advice because it tells methat they trust my intellect and testament keep an eye on my decisions, evenif they are the wrong ones. This helps to distribute pressure gain ofme when I am going to school because I dont bugger off to constitute up tocertain standards and yield to accomplish goals that areunattainable. Instead, I tail end just vexation virtually doing the best Ican. It is potential that I whitethorn drop a career that is not thehighest paying or the most prestigious. just as recollective as I amhappy, and I do the conjecture to the best of my ability, I will notionlike I gather in pure(a) something. This is nifty because umpteenkids have to live up to expectations that they cant attain, ordo something that they dont sincerel y enjoy in order to ca-ca theirparents proud. The problem with look as huge as you do you best is thatwhen I go to sleep I could have through with(p) a soften job, I have a configuration ofguilty feeling. I hate it when I get a mediocre dinero or run low insomething and my parents reckon as spacious as you time-tested your hardest.It gets quite vexatious when I turn guess myself about what Icould have done. However, when I know I did the utilization as substantially asI could and it isnt a good mark, I dont puzzle about it as muchas some batch might. In conclusion, the piece of advice that I witness most oftenfrom my parents is basically a good one, and often it keeps memotivated in the things I do. It in addition shows me that my parentswill championship most of my decisions and care me like a responsibleperson. I believe that someplace along the tune I will probably tie along the advice as long as you did your best to mychildren.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Organizational Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organizational Culture - search Paper ExampleAn organization that sticks to its organizational civilization builds a good reputation with both its natural and external environments. On the other hand, organizational commitment refers to the psychological attachment and willingness for an employee to continue working in an organization. This paper seeks to expound on organizational finis and organizational commitment of employees according to a survey carried out on primary school teachers in Turkey. Clearly in the book, in any organization, glossiness establishes norms in the structure of the organization developing a social organism with specific beliefs, values, and behaviors1. Therefore, just as depicted the article, the book confirms the fact that the employees learn and focal point on the organizational expectations on the values and behaviors in line with the organizational culture2. In addition, organizational culture guides the framework for leadership styles, work envi ronment, and work strategies. Research shows that there exist a direct connection between organizational culture and performance. Positive and supportive organizational culture promotes performance as head as creativity and innovations. There is a clear interaction among organizational culture, vision and mission, leadership and management, interpersonal relationships and organizational images. A research conducted among teachers indicates that personal attributes can to organizational culture. It shows that beginner teachers have no interest in their new schools hence they do not take organizational culture with seriousness. They only get across competition culture since they want to secure attention and recognition. Another study conducted among secondary school teachers shows that school principals embrace more positive and stronger organizational culture than their subordinates. This means that top management is more interested in organizational culture than the middle and li ne managers are. Generally, top management is associated with strategy formulation and corrective responsibility, therefore, calling for commitment to the organizational culture. The research in both the publications further indicates that, not all fe priapic teachers and beginners trust their colleagues. This is because new teachers have not understood and fitted in well with the organizational culture. However, female teachers do not trust male dominated organization for the fear of intimidation and dishonest. This lies under the masculinity verses femininity grouping that reflects on gender dominance in an organization. Gender dominance translates to gender roles, cultural values, and power relations. In conflict management, different aspects of culture are emulated as depicted in the publications. For instant, the force is resorted in individualist cultures whereas in collective culture, compromising, withdrawing and problem solving are embraced. In conflict management, both male and female embrace different strategies. For example, male employees use force to solve their individual conflict while the female prefers compromising in conflict management. This emerges repayable to disharmony between personal and collective goals. Collective culture focuses on the emotional dependence of the whole organization while individualism focuses on individual goal3. Organizational cult

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Law, Governance, Regulation and Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Law, Governance, Regulation and Ethics - Essay ExampleThe send-off issue brocaded in Wall Street is ground on the ethics which are broken throughout the film. The ethics that are associated with the movie include gathering occult data about the stock market. This is done not only by obtaining illegal information but also includes breaking into offices and taking confidential information. This is first done by Gekko and is later followed by Fox with the desire to move up with his placement in the somatic world. The approach which is taken is one which is based on a combination of legalities and ethics. According to the law, there are requirements with confidentiality that are put into place. This is to protect businesses with privacy and from unfair deals which may occur without the companies knowledge. This is followed by head-to-head property rights which make it unconstitutional for an individual to take information. By breaking these ethical considerations, there is a break in both government and corporate regulations while harming others that are a part of the main process for obtaining information (Nelson, 2005 3). The concept of ethics on a legal basis is important to argument because it combines with individual behaviors, legalities and responsibility that is a part of the corporation. The work of Fox becomes important because he is a representative of the company which he works for. When he takes the snobbish information through illegal information it causes him to be a representative of the company, leading to a direct overlap between ethics and corporate government activity (Mullerat, 2010 48). However, this becomes misunderstood as his actions lead him to a raise and as one of the best performers of the institute. More important, the response from the country which has gained prestige in the market is enkindle in hiring Fox after his sentence because of the work which he has done. The actions taken by the corporations reflect directly in t he understanding of what it means to be lawfully responsible and to be honest and fair in different dealings. The actions taken with the main characters show that there isnt an understanding of the ethical responsibilities of individuals as sanitary as how this reflects in the corporation. The importance of the private interactions and the association with the ethical considerations with governance is important to note because of how it affects others who are a part of the company. This becomes the main battle that is associated with ethics. From the rack of both Gekko and Fox, there is the belief that greed is good. However, there are also others who are harmed from this, including the reputation of the businesses, the customers who respond to the dealings and the others who have to pay for the information which is taken and the deals which follow. The concept of corporate citizenship becomes the main component with the actions taken. This states that an individual who is in a b usiness is not only responsible for making money or representing the company. The information which is taken, actions which are violated and the unfair dealings reflect directly with the citizen relationships and how others are affected. The corporate governance is one which leads to individuals having a sense of responsibility toward the company, stakeholders, customers and others affiliated with the business. If the

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Compare and Contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Compare and Contrast - Essay ExampleDoes it remind you of something or seem totally new? Do you notice if the band is playing 12-bar blues, AABA tunes, or something else? Are they playing from written medicine? Does the arrangement seem formalized or more like a head arrangement? ?3. The performance venue and auditory modality What kind of space does the event take place in? How big is the audience? Do you note anything about their ethnic backgrounds, age or gender? What are they doing? Listening? Talking? Dancing? ?4. Your general impressions of the event Did you have a good time? Why or why not? ?5. Any ways in which the performance relates to issues we have discussed in class Think peculiarly about the dualities we started off with spontaneity vs. planning, and individuality vs. collectivity. ? I. Introduction Jazz, ever since having been introduced in the early 20th century, has become a staple of the music industry. dickens retire performances will be compared and contrast ed with regard to the following the personnel and instrumentation of the groups the general style(s) of the groups and their repertories the performance venues and audiences my general impressions of the events and a discussion about any ways in which the performances relate to issues that have been discussed in class. The two 2011 jazz performances that were attended were a band named Klang, which had just recently released a CD entitled Tea Music, as well as the band Klangs performance for their newest recently-released CD Other Doors. II. Personnel and Instrumentation of the Groups You might first note the presence or absence seizure of a rhythm section. If there is whiz, which instruments are used and what are their roles? How big is the entire group? How do the various instruments relate to one another? Does one soloist stand out for you? Why? In both performances, there was a rhythm section. One person was on drums, while another person was intermittently doing percussion of various types including a xylophone. The other types of percussion besides the drums and the xylophone are not immediately known. The entire group is only composed of quartet people total in the band at one time. The other instruments that I remember included the main musician who was featured, who was on a clarinet. Two other members of the group play the vibraphone, the cello, and other various instrumentswhile the fourth musician plays drums only. The one soloist who stands out is the clarinetist, because he is the person who basically holds the band together. Hes also the focal point of all the action onstage. Basically, its his group, but e very(prenominal)one contributes somehow. III. The General Style(s) of the Groups and Their Repertories Can you identify the general style based on our class discussions? Does it remind you of something or seem entirely new? Do you notice if the band is playing 12-bar blues, AABA tunes, or something else? Are they playing from written music? Does the arrangement seem formalized or more like a head arrangement? The general style of the jazz presented, in both concerts, was very difficult to discern. This is because Klang is not a traditional jazz band in every sense of the word, even though they play some standards occasionally. However, for the most interpreter both of their concerts focused on instrumentalism and attention to musical detail which really can

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

An empirical study on foreign language anxiety and its impact on Thesis

An empirical break down on foreign row anxiety and its impact on students language acquisition and classroom progress and achievement - Thesis ExampleThe foundation year is a crucial phase between school and university level study which often de margeines the course of a students academic career. It is a time when study habits are formed, and choices are made about future subjects. in that location is considerable research on what factors help and what factors hinder students in second language acquisition. Early research looked at motivation and attitude (Gardner and Lambert, 1972) but since wherefore several different approaches have been developed and the terminology used to describe this field does vary considerably. Young (1998) and Arnold (1999) approach the subject using the broad term affect to cover all kinds of emotional contributions that students bring to the classroom, while Horowitz (1997) uses the approach of beliefs about language learning which emphasizes the kind of concepts that students have in their minds about the melodic phrase of learning a language.Horowitz (1988) demonstrated that what students believe about language learning influences how they learn, and most crucially also how well they learn. In an empirical study Horowitz et al. (1986) revolve around on the element of foreign language anxiety as a conceptually distinct variable in foreign language learning and degrade that this may be partly caused by teaching methods that encourage a defensive position (Horowitz et al. 1986, p. 125). Its effects can include the production of shorter written texts, more concrete utterances and fewer qualifications. Test anxiety is factor for some students, while others are even afraid to speak in class because they fear existence negatively evaluated by their classmates or by the teacher. The work of these researchers on group of second language learners in Texas resulted in the development of the Foreign Language classroom Anxiety Scale ( Horowitz et al., 1986, p. 129). This is a very useful tool designed to ascertain the scope and severity of foreign

Monday, June 17, 2019

Automatic storage management for Oracle database 11g Research Paper

Automatic terminal management for oracle entropybase 11g - Research Paper caseDespite the growing functionalities and capabilities of data management systems, traditional reposition management systems could not help the organizations in leveraging their data management capabilities efficiently. Hence, the outcome emerged in the form of underutilization and overprovisioning. On the other hand, increasingly changing needs and requirements of organizations and data management systems be forcing the IT industry and researchers to discover effective techniques for data management and transshipment center (Roussos, 2007 Joshi & Chalaka, 2006). However, the integration of autonomic features in data management system improves the performance of data management process by increasing effectiveness, speed, consistency and accurateness, eventually presenting blot free infrastructure for data management and storage. Without a doubt, these autonomic features are believed to be critical in Database Management Systems (DBMSs) for the reason that these autonomic systems take the come along of what instead of how. Additionally, a wide frame of tool and applications can be employed by database management systems for the management of storage (Chaudhuri & Narasayya, 2001 Raza, Mateen, Hussain, & Awais, 2009). In this scenario, automatic storage management provides an excellent support for the rearrangement of dire groups to unaffected space of the harrow (Raza, Mateen, Sher, Awais, & Hussain, 2010 Lightstone, Lohman, & Zilio, 2002). Oracle Data base 11g contains a wonderful feature known as Oracle Automatic Storage Management that follows the principle of combines stripe and mirror everywhere (SAME). In addition, Oracle Automatic Storage Management is responsible for managing groups of data storage in disk groups that can collect and store database files from a number of databases (Townsend, 2011 HP, 2008). This paper presents a detailed analysis of oracle automatic sto rage management for Oracle 11g. The basic purpose of this research is to present an analysis of automatic storage management in the context of its working, its features and capabilities. This research will restart the concepts discussed in other researches. Automatic Storage Management (ASM) for Oracle Database 11g In Oracle 11g, Automatic Storage Management (ASM) is designed to simplify the management of Oracle related files by facilitating the database administrators to reference disk groups instead of files and disks separately, which can be administrated through automatic storage management. Basically, the functionalities and capabilities offered by the automatic storage management are believed to be an extension of the OMF (Oracle Managed Files) features which further comprise mirroring and striping in order to provide secure and impartial storage management. In addition, a wide variety of templates are used to control the extent of the granularity and redundancy of the mirror ing and striping. Though, Oracle provides a variety of default templates for each type of file stored by ASM, nevertheless extra templates can also be developed according to needs of the organizations. In addition, failure groups are also established in a disk group in order to accommodate the varying needs of the databases and required intensity of redundancy. If a database uses a two-way mirroring then it will require a disk group to establish and maintain two failure groups in order that individual files can be written and stored at two places (Oracle-Base2, 2013 Abraham, Bagal, Bauer, Belden, Bridge, & Chan, 2012). Additionally, the ASM

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Assess the impact of Multi- (or Trans-) National Corporations on Essay

Assess the impact of Multi- (or Trans-) National Corporations on international relations. Illustrate your points with examples from the activities of named corp - Essay ExampleDifferent markets have welcomes the displace taken by such multinational giants but some of them have resisted the affect which has been created by them.Such is the eventual effect by these multinational corporations that galore(postnominal) local businesses have winded up in a quick manner, thus putting them out of business in the wake of sheer warring activity that these multinationals bring with their set agendas. The impact however has been on both sides of the divide good as well as bad. The results have similarly been lopsided at times, favoring the business regimes in certain cases while bankrupting the parent organization in other instances. The sort of impact these multinational corporations have had on the international relations is something to ponder upon deeply though. This is because it is t he international platform which indeed lays the success or failure basis for these multinationals. (Dunning, 2001)The multinational corporations worldwide face a issue forth of challenges when they decide to go global. This is a common problem that they face since they do not have any prior knowledge or understanding of the clean territory that they will do their business from. However what best they can do is to find out and research the strengths and weaknesses of this area and hence upon getting the such(prenominal) needed knowledge, base their theories and strategies in a much more effective and efficient manner. This will help one and all to better understand what the bare-ass territory, region or country offers the business and the people associated with it. The best thing is that the benefits and disadvantages are determined even before the multinational corporation goes the global delegacy and thus it saves itself from embarrassment which it might face without having pr oper knowledge and adequate research within it. The significant thing here is to get prepared and be ready for what is to come in the future as

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Analyzing Al-Qaeda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analyzing Al-Qaeda - Essay ExampleIts associates look at carried out attacks against prospects in a range of countries around the world, the most prominent creation the September 11, 2001 attacks that were on the twin towers and the pentagon in New York and Northern Virginia. After the September 11 attacks, the United States government started a wide military and comprehension operation commonly known as the War on Terrorism, with the objective of dismantling al-Qaeda and killing or capturing its operatives and members.The leadership of this terrorist cheek is held by Osama bin Laden, an active character in Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Second to him in the formation is Ayman al Zawahiri who is an Egyptian surgeon. Apart from this other regional leaders also exist. One senior al-Qaeda member, Muhammad Atef was killed in the U.S. air strikes in Afghanistan, and another top commander, Abu Zubaydah, was arrested in Pakistan in March 2002. In March 2003, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed th e encephalon behind the 9/11 attacks, and al-Qaedas treasurer, Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi were also captured in Pakistan.The Al Qaeda network basically extracts its funds and financing from extremists around the world and the Arab world that is peal in money from oil exportation. When Soviet invasion in Afghanistan had to be stopped United States itself funded Osama bin laden, but since the first terrorist attacks the funding was stopped. INFRASTRUCTUREThe organization does not operate from a single head quarter but from different locations and through different groups. Any terrorist act performed by the organization is true in a video tape usually launched after the activity. The organization has branches in hundred countries around the globe including the United States. Anti terrorist campaigns have successfully broken Al-Qaedas cells in the United States, Albania, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, United Kingdom, and Uganda.PLANNINGThere ar different planners for different activit es, mostly people related to the region of the terrorist activity are selected for planning the terrorist activity that is going to take place. After the fall of the talibans in Afghanistan the main head quarters of Al Qaeda has been shattered and now the organization operates from different locations through out the world. Al Qaeda has targeted American and other Western interests, Jewish targets and Muslim countries it sees as corrupt or non religious electropositive the the Saudi monarchy. The list of attacks include.Bomb attacks on Madrid commuter trains, which killed nearly 200 people and resulted in more than 1,800 injuries. Car bomb attacks on tierce compounds in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Car bomb attack and an attempt that did not succeed to shoot down an Israeli plane with missiles, both in Mombasa, Kenya. glide slope on a French tanker off the coast of Yemen. Many bombings in Pakistan Explosion of a fuel tanker in Tunisia. The major commandeer attacks on the World Trade Ce nter and the Pentagon. Bombings of the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.The main methods of attacking used are suicide bombing, planting bombs at locations and hijacking planes. The attacks have led to the death of millions of innocent people and have left a mark of terror on people,

Friday, June 14, 2019

Comprehensive service delivery plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Comprehensive service delivery proposal - Case Study ExampleThe plan is expected to facilitate Sunny in obtaining assistance from authorized agencies, which could provide her with adequate parental education, medical care and adaptive equipment. Through this plan, attempts abide been interpreted to assess Sunnys potential strengths and her needs towards Assistive Technology (AT) and Augmentative Communication (AAC) abilities to help her succeed in her education. In addition, adequate selective information has been provided about the responsibilities of parents, guardian, friends, classmates and educational specialists towards Sunny in the plan discussed henceforth.This comprehensive service delivery plan outlines access to appropriate agencies that could provide parent/guardian support, owe to the fact that the role of family in medical care of a child is crucial. The professionals of American Academy of Pediatrics also focus towards the recognition of a family, as family members are childs primary source of health and support. In addition, informing parents or guardians of Sunny regarding her care needs and thereby, obtaining their support as a principal collaborator in care coordination is linked with the achievement of improved health results. In the US, special firms, such as Catholic Guardian Services, have been observed to provide parenting education and support services for the welfare of disabled children. One such organization is Federal Office of Special Education, which governs the norms of Individuals with Disabilities Education effect (IDEA). IDEA provides principle grants to various states, targeting the higher educational institutes and other non-profit organizations to deliver technical assistance, personnel development and parental training in the interests of disabled children. In this regard, Partners in Policymaking has been a pioneering and capability based headship curriculum for adults and parents of young disabled children (Arizona

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities - Essay ExampleAs the paper outlines, the knowledge statement makes adequate capital punishment on the job possible while the skill statements refer to the proficient manual, verbal or mental manipulation of data or things. On the several(predicate) hand, the ability statements refer to the power to perform an observable activity at the present time. Integrating these statements can serve as a basis for distinguishing the qualified vistas from the unqualified candidates for a position.The development and selection of job performance tools depend upon the type of job. Not all kinds of performance instruments can be attributed to a person and therefore different tools such as Monitoring, Testing, Observations etc are employed. Because competence is multi-dimensional and individual judging approaches have limitations, it is unlikely that a single approach to assessment will be adequate.The principal(a) question with any personnel instrument is of ov erall effectiveness. This is considered an extremely important factor in selecting a job performance instrument. This includes the feasibility and cost-benefit analysis of ontogeny a specific type of instrument. It caters to factors like time and training required to implement the assessment, equipment or technology required, number of assessments required per examinee, financial cost, and the extent to which an assessment has been used. If an instrument that is not practical to be tested upon the candidates, then it is useless and therefore it must be rejected. Similarly, if the time and cost incurred to train and test the candidate are more than the value that can be derived from assessing the instrument then again the instrument it useless. Also, the assessment should leave alone new and useful information that facilitates tenet and learning. For instance, the assessment should allow the collection of enough detailed information that it is possible to know what performance imp rovements or curricular modifications are needed. If this is not provided by the performance instrument then again the instrument must be rejected.Another factor that is equally important to effectiveness is the validity of the data. Valid data provide accurate information about what is being assessed. Different types of evidence may be used to infer validity. It may be inferred when assessment results help to venture performance in actual practice. Validity may be inferred also when it is possible to detect the responsiveness. Data that is invalid is of no use to the company and accordingly an instrument that extracts invalid data must not be considered for measuring job performance.Apart from the factors mentioned above, job performance instruments must be broad so that they cater to various aspects of an employee. This helps in diminishing any bias that may arise in the instruments.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

CSR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

CSR - Essay Example2. Company 1 The first c eacher selected for review is Apple Inc., which has been the leading cellular steady since its beginning. 2.1 Apples Corporate Social province The main features of Apples corporate social responsibility as give tongue to in the website of the come with include a safer supply chain, respect and dignity for employees, and eco-friendly manufacturing processes. All of these features suggest that Apple Inc. takes good care of its adherence to the principles of corporate social responsibility. It is likewise stated on the website that the company considered and followed the guidelines of Global Reporting Initiative to prepare the information about CSR. Let us now discuss the main aspects of Apples Corporate Social Responsibility. 2.1.1 Environment Protection Apple Inc. makes special efforts for greenhouse assail emissions. In 2012, it is estimated that the companys input in the greenhouse gas emissions was nearly 30.9 million metric tons ( Apple Inc. 2013). Apple Inc. has adopted a well-planned approach to ensure environmental friendliness. The company finds ways to reduce the carbon measure though everything ranging from all types of products to all facilities. Apple Inc. large input in the greenhouse gas emissions represent the way the company make ups its products and carry out all business processes. The main source of Apples greenhouse gas emissions is its products, which include every activity involved in product development from manufacturing to recycling. The opposite but comparatively very minor source of emissions is its facilities and data centers. The company pays special attention towards bringing reduction in the use of energy to manufacture the products because to be energy efficient is essential for large-scale greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable Energy If we talk about the efforts of Apple inc. towards environmental sustainability, we come to that the company makes use of renewable energy so urces to reduce the burden on current sources of energy. The use of renewable energies also reduces the carbon footprint by reducing the wedge of data centers and corporate facilities (Apple Inc. 2013). Recycling The company also stresses on the importance of recycling and takes considerable steps to recycle the used products to make them usable one time again. The company collects all e-waste through voluntary and regulatory programs and processes it for reuse. Energy Efficiency The company measures the amount of greenhouse has emission released by the products, as well as during production of products through the life cycle approach. The company believes that this is the step that no other company takes to measure the level of energy efficiency (Apple Inc. 2013). 2.1.2 Supplier Responsibility Apple Inc. also takes care of employee rights and provides them with safe workplace so that they can fulfill their responsibilities properly. Not only this, the company also provides educational opportunities to employees in companionship to for them to improve their knowledge and work potential. Through inspections and improvement plans, the company makes sure that the suppliers adhere to the companys code of conduct. 2.1.3 Labor and Human Rights Apple Inc. also holds suppliers responsible for upholding the employees

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Stages and Spheres of Discipleship Research Paper

Stages and Spheres of Discipleship - Research Paper ExampleThe spiritually dead do not consider saviour. They do not consider the Nazarene as their lord and savior. They are the un save and not born again people in the society. The spiritually dead do not believe in god. To them, the watchword is just a bunch of myths. Christians are intolerant and homophobic people to God and they need to develop patience. Religion is a crutch for the weak individuals and such take chances in god.1 They do not differentiate between the right and wrong and they consider what might be right for one person to be right for another person. For them, the truth is just relevant for the one who perceives it. The spiritually dead do not consider the existence of hell and consider many ways a person can get to God. They consider themselves good individuals, and when they die, everything will be okay. Ephesians two 1-5 God due to his great love for us and his rich mercy make us alive makes us alive with Ch rist even when we are dead in transgression.2These individuals just dwell the Christ as their lord and savior. They are in the stage to learn the way God taught his disciples. They are described as infant babies filled with many questions and with many curiosities. The spiritual infants consider it necessary to go to church regularly to learn more about Christ. The spiritual infants need to pray and read the bible regularly. They consider it not necessary to need anyone else in their lives apart from themselves and Jesus. However, the infants are faced with dilemmas they consider Jesus to be the solution of their problem. They will tell you that they were saved recently, but they still have problems in their lives. Peter 22-3 peter a servant and apostle of God says, To those who have received Gods righteous and Jesus Christ as their savior, Grace and peace be abundant upon them through the knowledge of Jesus Christ and God. The divine power of God will give them everything they nee d.3The spiritual children

Monday, June 10, 2019

Applied Strategic Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Applied Strategic Management - Case Study useHowever, the nature of their work and the type of organization they work for will determine how these common environmental factors are perceived - whether they are seen as positive or negative, threats or opportunities (Yvonne 15). Strategy is the most exciting part of managers work in an organization because it gives the chance to put all his new skills to work. Strategic thinking involves a comprehensive analysis of a business in relation to its industry, its competitors, and the business environment in both the short- and the long-term. Ultimately, strategy is a guilds plan to achieve its goals. embodied managements often do not know clearly what they want or how theyll get there. Organizational strategy is about the effective processing, interpretation of, and response to, reading both internal and outside the organization. Organizational strategy helps in bringing administrative efficiency and inculcate within element of success t hrough some(prenominal) ways. Managers should keep informed about important factors and developments in both their remote and internal environments. They can do this by constantly scanning their environment, which is, by establishing and maintaining a lucre of contacts, maintaining good communication channels, keeping up-to-date in their field and monitoring important issues and activities. This proposal is going to provide a case strategic company analysis on The Body Shop. The focus of the report is to show strategic analysis of the company and the environment around it that influences the organization. An assessment of the organizations existing strategies and impact of the external environment with recommendations to improve will also be included2.Introduction of selected organization The Body Shop The Body Shop is an international public hold company and was founded in United Kingdom in 1976 by Dame Anita Roddick. The Body Shop is part of the LOreal family which is their pa rent company. Today the company has 2100 stores in 54 countries with a range of over 1200 products all animal cruelty free and many with fairly traded natural ingredients ( EnvironmentThe Body Shop plant life in a clean environment where they have managed to keep their competitive edge. They work is a diverse environment and they also aim to encourage a healthy environment in the world by working against torture of any kind to humans and animals.Marketing activities are influenced by several factors inside and outside the business firm. These factors or forces influencing marketing decision-making are collectively called marketing environment. It comprises all these factors, which have san impact on market and marketing

Sunday, June 9, 2019

U.S. History Terms and Definitions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

U.S. History Terms and Definitions - Assignwork forcet ExampleThe society is recalled as being involved in ritual sacrifice and, on occasion, cannibalism. thither reign came to an end with the Spanish invasion between disease and attack, eventually the last of the Aztec surrendered to the Spanish. Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus was an Italian born explorer who has often been assign with discovering America however modern scholars and archeological evidences prove that that may be a myth. He did make several trips across the Atlantic Ocean exploring European interests. His voyages did lead to the first lasting European presence in the new world and coined the term, indios, which is Spanish for Indians. His later life was filled with sickness and discomfort. He died in Spain at the age of 54. Anne Hutchinson In 1634 Anne Hutchinson was the daughter of a minister who came to live with her husband in Boston, Massachusetts. She was said to be witty, outspoken, intelligent, and highly opinionated young woman. She was tender of sharing the teachings of John Cotton. She created quite a stir in Boston society. She accused the local ministers of, essentially, teaching the Bible wrong. Of course, the ministers denied her claims. However, she, what at the age was a right-down act, claimed that God spoke to her and gave her permission to interpret biblical content. These arguments were tearing a break dance Boston. Ultimately she would be brought into to court and sentenced, along with her husband, to banishment from Boston. Jamestown Jamestown is the first British dependence established in the Virginia in the year 1607 by the Virginia Company. The early years of the first dependency knew disease, famine, and continuing attacks by the Native Americans that already inhabited the land. It is here(predicate) that famous historical characters like Pocahontas, John Smith, and John Rolfe met and began the stories that this country was founded on. In fact, Jamest own remained the capitol of Virginia until the King believed that the land was being mismanaged by the Virginia Company and the colony became a colony of the crown in 1622. Triangle Trade Trade was the means by which the early American colonies were able to get the things that they needed. The Triangle Trade was named so because of its 3 pointed route. The way that it worked was that molasses would be sent to New England for the makings for rum. Then the New Englanders could manufacture the molasses into rum and then ship it to the West African coast to be traded for slaves. The slaves acquired would be taken to the West Indies where they would be sold for molasses and money. From that point the cycle of the three stages would start again. Great Awakening There has been more than one period of time credited with being Great Awakening in the United States. It refers to a great evangelical religious movement that occurred at that time. The first came with the settlers of the 1700s, wh ich would ultimately bequeath in the Presbyterian, Baptist, and Methodist churches. There was a second Great Awakening in the last part of the 18th century and continued to the earliest part of the 19th century, which was marked by religious good deeds of the Salvation Army and the YMCA. Stono Rebellion This is the name given to a specific rebellion that occurred in South Carolina, a few miles outside Charleston, on September 9, 1739. A band of, approximately 20, slaves began walking down the streets and carrying a banner claiming Liberty The men and women stole weapons and ammunition, set fire to

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Online Shopping Buyer Behaviour in Fashion industry Dissertation

Online Shopping buyer Behaviour in Fashion industry - Dissertation ExampleThe paper Online Shopping Buyer Behaviour in Fashion industry will look into the differences in the midst of the traditional retail marketing and online shopping in the fashion industry. The main differences between the traditional and online shopping preferences for fashion products include display, expense, location, communication and technology. As far as display is concerned, the traditional fashion shopping offered the buyers an opportunity to touch and allot fashion products physically when they are interested in something. This had the benefit of the buyer ensuring that the product is of high quality and that it is durable. This was very beneficial to the fashion product buyers. On the other hand, online shopping for fashion products does not offer the purchaser a chance of getting into physical contact with the products. Instead, the buyer will have to be contented with the graphical displays, picture s and the text descriptions for the products. This has the effect of ensuring that prospective customers would rather buy from the traditional fashion retailers rather than the modern online fashion retailer. Expenses are also major determinants and number of factors exist that fashion product retailers need to put into mind. One of the factors is that while the traditional retailers must look for viable premises that will soak up customers, the online retailers do not have to look for premises. Hence, the traditional retailers will have to incur many expenses for setting up the businesses.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Assignment Questions Chapters 5-7 Psychology Essay Example for Free

Assignment Questions Chapters 5-7 Psychology Essay1. Most current studies aimed at understanding human fund atomic number 18 conducted at heart a framework know as entropy-processing theory. This approach makes spend of modern computer science and related fields to provide models that servicing psychologists understand the processes gnarly in keeping. The general principles of the information processing approach to retentiveness include the notion that remembering involves three distinct processes. The for the first time process, encoding, is the process of transforming information into a form that can be stored in memory. The second process, storage, is the process of keeping or maintaining information in memory. The final process, retrieval, is the process of bringing to heading information that has been stored in the memory (p.168). Two influential theorists concerning the information-processing theory argon Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin. They characteriz ed memory as three divers(prenominal), interacting memory systems sensory memory, short-term memory, and long memory. Sensory memory is the memory system that holds information from the senses for a period of cartridge holder ranging from only a fraction of a second to about 2 seconds. Sensory memory can take in an enormous amount of information, but it can only hold on to it for a in truth brief period of time (p.169).Short-term memory is the component of the memory system that holds about seven (from five to nine) concomitants for less than 30 seconds without rehearsal also c all in alled the working memory. When short-term memory is filled to capacity, displacement can occur. In displacement, from each one new incoming item pushes out an existing item, which is then forgotten (p.170). Long-term memory (LTM) is the memory system with a virtually unlimited capacity that contains vast stores of a persons permanent or relatively permanent memories. There be no know limits to th e storage capacity of this memory system, and long-term memories can persist for years, some of them for a lifetime. Information in long-term memory is usually stored in semantic form, although visual images, sounds, and odors can be stored there as well (p.174).2. The analogy heuristic involves comparing a problem to sepa pass judgment you have experienced in the past. The mentation is that if a particular strategy worked with similar problems in the past, it will be effective for resolving power a new one. An differently heuristic that is effective for solving some problems is working backward, sometimes called the backward search. This approach starts with the solution, a known condition, and works back through the problem. Once the backward search has revealed the steps to be taken and their order, the problem can be creamd (p.207). Another popular heuristic strategy is means-end analysis, in which the current position is compared with a desired goal, and a series of steps are formulated and then taken to close the gap between the two. When you adopt a heuristic strategy, it whitethorn or may not lead to a correct solution. By contrast, the algorithm is a problem-solving strategy that always lead to a correct solution if it is applied fitly (p.208).3.Research suggests that there are both advantages and disadvantages to learning two languages early in life. One of the pluses is that, among preschool and school-age children, bilingualism, fluency in at least two languages, is associated with better administrator control skills on language tasks. Executive control skills enable bilingual children to suppress impulsive responses to verbal tasks and, as a result, think more carefully about them. Thus, executive control skills are grand in learning to read and write. On the downside, even in adulthood, bilingualism is sometimes associated with decreased efficiency in memory tasks involving words. However, bilinguals appear to develop compensatory strateg ies that allow them to make up these inefficiencies. Consequently, they ofttimes perform such(prenominal) tasks as accurately as monolinguals, though they may answer more slowly. Researchers have found that there is no age at which it is impossible to learn a new language.While it is true that those who begin preliminary reach higher levels of proficiency, age is not the only determining factor (p.214). There is one clear advantage to learning two languages earlier in life, however. People who are younger when they learn a new language are far more likely to be able to speak with an abstract accent. One reason for this difference between early and late language learners may have to do with slight variations in neural processing in Brocas area, the area of the brain that controls speech production. Research suggests that bilinguals who learned a second language early rely on the akin patch of tissue in Brocas area for both of the languages they speak. In those who learned a secon d language at an older age, two different sections of Brocas are are active enchantment they are performing language tasks (p.215).4. Charles Spearman observed that people who are bright in one area are usually bright in other areas as well. In other words, they tend to be generally intelligent. Spearman came to conceptualise that intelligence is composed of a general ability that underlies all intellectual functions. Spearman think that intelligence tests tap this g factor, or general intelligence, and a number of s factors, or specific intellectual abilities. Spearmans influence can be seen in those intelligence tests, such as the Stanford-Binet, that yield one IQ score to indicate the level of general intelligence. Howard Gardner also denies the existence of a g factor. Instead, he proposes a theory of multiple intelligences that includes eight important forms of intelligence, or frames of mind.The eight frames of mind are linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kine sthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. In recent years, he has proposed a ninth suit of intelligence, one that he calls existential intelligence, deals with the spiritual realm and enables us to contemplate the meat of life. He first developed his theory by theatering patients with different types of brain damage that affect some forms of intelligence but leaves other intact. The most contr everywheresial aspect of Gardners theory is his view that all forms of intelligence are of equal importance. In fact, different cultures assign varying degrees of importance to the types of intelligence (p.216-217).5. I would perform a fixed-ratio (FR) schedule, in which a reinforcer is inclined afterward a fixed number of correct, non reinforced responses. So, if my dog knew that after rolling over correctly ten times without getting reinforced meant that she would get a reinforced after those ten times, she would then learn that after rolling over ten times corre ctly, she would be reinforced (p.147). In fixed-rate schedules response rates are very high, and the higher the ratio, the more resistant to extinction (p.148).6. Psycholinguistics is the study of how language is acquired, produced, and used and how the sounds and symbols of language are translated into meaning. Psycholinguists use specific terms for each of the five basic components of language. The smaller units of sound in a spoken language-such as b or s in incline-are known as phonemes. iii phonemes together form the sound of the word cat c (which sounds like k), a, and t. Combinations of letters that form particular sounds are also phonemes, such as the th in the and the ch in child. The same phoneme may be represented by different letters in different words this occurs with the a in retain and the ei in sleigh. And the same letter can serve as different phonemes. This letter a, for example, is sounded as four different phonemes in day, cap, watch, and law. Morphemes are th e smallest units of meaning in a language. A few single phonemes serve as morphemes, such as the article a and the personal pronoun I.The ending -s gives a plural meaning to a word and is thus a morpheme in English. Many words in English are single morphemes-book, word, learn, reason, and so on. In addition to subside words, morphemes may be prefixes (such as re- in relearn) or suffixes (such as -ed to show past tense, as in learned). The single morpheme reason becomes a dual morpheme in reasonable. The morpheme book (singular) become two morphemes in books (plural). Syntax is the aspect of grammar that specifies the rules for arranging and combining words to form phrases and sentences. The rules of word order, syntax, differ from one language to another. For example, an important rule of syntax in English is that adjectives usually come originally nouns. So English speakers refer to the residence of the U.S. president as the White House.In Spanish, in contrast, the noun usually c omes before the advective, and Spanish speakers say la Casa Blanca, or the House White. Semantics refers to the meaning derived from morphemes, words, and sentences. The same word can have different meanings depending on how it is used in sentences I dont mind. Mind your manners. He has lost his mind. Or consider another example Loving to read, the young girl read three books last week. Here, the word read is pronounced two different ways, and in one case, is the past tense. Pragmatics, is the term psycholinguists use to refer to aspects of language such as intonation, the rising and falling patterns that are used to express meaning. For example, think about how you would say the single word cookie to express each of the following meanings Do you want a cookie? or What a delicious looking cookie or Thats a cookie. The subtle differences reflect your knowledge of the pragmatic rules of English (P.210-211).7. An intelligence test is a measure of general intellectual ability. An indivi duals score is determined by how his responses compare to others of his or her age. Thus, intelligence tests are norm-referenced. All psychological tests, including all the various types of tests that measure cognitive ability, are judged according to the same criteria.They must provide consistent results. An intelligence test must have dependability the test must consistently yield nearly the same score when the same person is tested and then retested on the same test or an alternative form of the test. The higher the correlation between the two scores, the more reliable the test. Tests can be highly reliable but worthless if they are not binding. Validity is the ability or power of a test to measure what it is intended to measure. Once a test is proven to be valid or reliable, the next requirement is norm-referenced standardization. There must be standard procedures for administering and scoring the test.Exactly the same directions must be given, whether written or oral, and the same amount of time must be allowed for every test taker. But even more important, standardization means establishing norms, age-based averages, by which all scores are interpreted. A test is standardized by administering it to a large sample of people who are representative of those who will be taking the test in the future. The groups score are analyzed, and then the average score, standard deviation, percentile rankings, and other measures are computed. These comparative scores become the norms used as the standard against which all other scores on that test are measured. Reliability, validity, and standardization are especially important with depend to intelligence tests because the kinds of decisions that are sometimes based on intelligence test scores can have grave consequences.For example, a few years ago the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that is unconstitutional to take to the woods individuals who have mental retardation. Thus, a psychologist who is charged with the responsi bility of administering an intelligence test to a person who will or will not be drug-addicted to the death penalty at least partly on the basis of his or her intelligence test score must ensure that the test given is reliable and valid and has been properly standardized. Likewise, childrens scores on these tests are often used to place them in special school programs that, in a very real sense, change the course of their lives for years to come. In fact, such a goal was the impetus for the development of the first standardized intelligence test (p.219).8. In memory sacking there are two broad categories that involves this kind of memory loss, b wishout and dementia. Amnesia is a partial or complete loss of memory due to loss of consciousness, brain damage, or some psychological cause. Unlike the memory disquiets that are experienced by some older adults, amnesia can be experienced at any age. In some cases, amnesia takes the form of an inability to store new information. This k ind of amnesia is known as anterograde amnesia. Anterograde amnesia is the inability to form long-term memories of events occurring after a brain injury or brain surgery, although memories formed before the trauma are usually intact and short-term memory is unaffected. Some individuals with amnesia can form new memories, but they cannot remember the past, a disorder known as retrograde amnesia.Retrograde amnesia is a loss of memory for experiences that occurred shortly before a loss of consciousness. These people often lack knowledge of themselves and/or the events surrounding the development of their memory loss. It is not unusual for a person to have both retrograde and anterograde amnesia with regard to the events that immediately preceded and followed a serious car crash or other traumatic event (p. 189). Another form of memory loss is dementia. Dementia is a state of mental deterioration characterized by impaired memory and intellect and by altered personality and behavior.Deme ntia can result from such conditions as cerebral arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries in the brain), chronic alcoholism, and irreversible damage by a small series of strokes. Dementia is most common among older adults. However, diseases such as HIV/AIDS can cause dementia to develop in a younger person as well. About 50 to 60% of all cases of dementia result from Alzheimers disease. This is a progressive deterioration of intellect and personality that results from widespread degeneration of brain cells (p.190).9. People reconstruct memories, piecing them together utilise schemas to organize fragments of information, a process that has both advantages and disadvantages. Information that fits with preexistent schemas can be efficiently remembered, but schemas can also introduce distortions into memory. Sir Frederick Bartletts research present how reconstructive processing changes memory over time (p.178). Most memories do not include source information, so memories for sourc es must be reconstructed. Source observe results in encoding of source memories. Flashbulb memories are different from others in that they always include source information, although the source information is subject to reconstruction changes over time (p.179). Autobiographical memories are reconstructed memories that include factual, emotional, and interpretive elements. They are subject to positive bias (p.180).10. Bandura suspected that aggression and violence on television system programs, including cartoons, tend to increase aggressive behavior in children. In several classic experiments, Bandura demonstrated how children are influenced by exposure to aggressive models. One study involved three groups of preschoolers. Children in one group individually observed an adult model punching, kicking, and hitting a 5-foot, inflated plastic Bobo Doll with a mallet, while uttering aggressive phrases. Children in the second group observed a nonaggressive model who ignored the Bobo Doll and sat quietly assembling putter Toys.The children in the control group were placed in the same setting with no adult present. Later, each child was observed through a one-way mirror. Those children exposed to the aggressive model imitated much of the aggression and also engaged in significantly more nonimitative aggression than did children in either of the other groups. The group that observed the nonaggressive model showed less aggressive behavior than the control group. The researchers concluded that of the three experimental conditions, exposure to humans on film portraying aggression was the most influential in eliciting and shaping aggressive behavior (p. 158-159).11. Experiencing hunger pangs when you odor your favorite food is an example of classic conditioning.Your offer rumbles when you smell your favorite food because smell and taste are so closely linked that food odors, functioning as conditioned stimuli, can actually make you think you are hungry even if you ha ve just finished a large meal. The conditioned stimulus (CS) would be the presence of the smell of your favorite food which brings about the unconditioned stimulus (US) hunger pangs. Because humans do not need to be taught to be hungry for food, the act of odour hungry would be the unconditioned response (UR). The conditioned response (CR) would be knowing that you will get hungry when you smell your favorite food (p.143).12. Critics argue that therapists using hypnosis and guided imagery to help their patients recover repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse are actually implanting false memories in those patients. They are especially critical of claims of recovered memories in the first three years of life, because the hippocampus and areas of the cortex are not well developed enough to store long-term memories. Therapists who use these techniques believe that a number of psychological problems can be treated successfully by helping patients recover repressed memories of sex ual abuse. These therapists believe that a process called repression, a form of motivated forgetting, can cause traumatic memories to be so deeply buried in an individuals unconscious mind that he or she has lost all awareness of them (p.192-193).13. Writing notes, making lists, writing on a calendar, or keeping an appointment book is often more reliable and accurate than trusting to memory. But if you need information at some unpredictable moment when you dont have aids handy, several mnemonics, or memory devices, and study strategies have developed over the years to aid memory. Mnemonics, or rhymes are a common aid to remembering material that otherwise might be difficult to recall. As a child, learning to recite i over e except after c when you were trying to ecstasy a word containing that vowel combination is an example of a mnemonic.The method of loci is a mnemonic device that be used to when you want to remember a list of items such as a grocery list. Select a familiar place your home, for example and simply associate the items to be remembered with locations there. For example, visualize the first item you want to remember in its place on the driveway, the second in the garage, and the third at the front door, and so on until you have associated the item you want to remember with a specific location. Overlearning is another method of improving memory. Overlearning is practicing or studying material beyond the point where it can be recurrent once without error. It makes material more resistant to forgetting (p.173).14. Bandura proposed that four processed determine whether observational learning will occur Attention The perceiver must cite to the model. Retention The observer must store information about the models behavior in memory. Reproduction The observer must be physically and cognitively adapted of performing the behavior to learn it. In other words, no matter how much time you devote to watching Serena Williams play tennis or hearing to Be yonce sing, you wont be able to acquire skills like these unless you possess talents that are equal to theirs. Reinforcement Ultimately, to exhibit a behavior learned through observation, an observer must be motivated to practice and perform the behavior on his own (p.156).15. In some cases, we are hampered in our efforts to turn problems in day-by-day life because of functional fixedness, the failure to use familiar objects in novel ways to solve problems. Objects you use everyday such as, tools, utensils, and other equipment are what help you perform certain functions. Although, you probably do not think to use the normal functions of such objects in new and creative ways. Suppose you wanted a cup of coffee, but the glass pot for you coffeemaker was broken. If you suffered from functional fixedness, you might come to the conclusion that there was nothing you could do to solve the problem at that moment. But, quite a than thinking about the object you dont have, think about the function that it needs to perform. Another impediment to problem solving is mental set, the tendency to continue to use the same old method even though another approach might be better.Perhaps you hit on a way to solve a problem once in the past and continue to use the same technique in similar situations, even though it it not highly effective of efficient. The cognitive process that underlies both functional fixedness and mental set is confirmation bias, the tendency to selectively pay attention to information that concerns preexisting beliefs and ignore data that contradict them. For example, when faced with an operating system crash, most computer users know that the first line of defense is to reboot. Every time rebooting solve the problem, confirmation bias in favor of rebooting as a solution for computer problems becomes stronger. As a result, when a problem arises that proves resistant to rebooting, most of us try rebooting a few more times before we confront the reality tha t rebooting isnt going to solve the problem (p.209).