Monday, June 17, 2019

Automatic storage management for Oracle database 11g Research Paper

Automatic terminal management for oracle entropybase 11g - Research Paper caseDespite the growing functionalities and capabilities of data management systems, traditional reposition management systems could not help the organizations in leveraging their data management capabilities efficiently. Hence, the outcome emerged in the form of underutilization and overprovisioning. On the other hand, increasingly changing needs and requirements of organizations and data management systems be forcing the IT industry and researchers to discover effective techniques for data management and transshipment center (Roussos, 2007 Joshi & Chalaka, 2006). However, the integration of autonomic features in data management system improves the performance of data management process by increasing effectiveness, speed, consistency and accurateness, eventually presenting blot free infrastructure for data management and storage. Without a doubt, these autonomic features are believed to be critical in Database Management Systems (DBMSs) for the reason that these autonomic systems take the come along of what instead of how. Additionally, a wide frame of tool and applications can be employed by database management systems for the management of storage (Chaudhuri & Narasayya, 2001 Raza, Mateen, Hussain, & Awais, 2009). In this scenario, automatic storage management provides an excellent support for the rearrangement of dire groups to unaffected space of the harrow (Raza, Mateen, Sher, Awais, & Hussain, 2010 Lightstone, Lohman, & Zilio, 2002). Oracle Data base 11g contains a wonderful feature known as Oracle Automatic Storage Management that follows the principle of combines stripe and mirror everywhere (SAME). In addition, Oracle Automatic Storage Management is responsible for managing groups of data storage in disk groups that can collect and store database files from a number of databases (Townsend, 2011 HP, 2008). This paper presents a detailed analysis of oracle automatic sto rage management for Oracle 11g. The basic purpose of this research is to present an analysis of automatic storage management in the context of its working, its features and capabilities. This research will restart the concepts discussed in other researches. Automatic Storage Management (ASM) for Oracle Database 11g In Oracle 11g, Automatic Storage Management (ASM) is designed to simplify the management of Oracle related files by facilitating the database administrators to reference disk groups instead of files and disks separately, which can be administrated through automatic storage management. Basically, the functionalities and capabilities offered by the automatic storage management are believed to be an extension of the OMF (Oracle Managed Files) features which further comprise mirroring and striping in order to provide secure and impartial storage management. In addition, a wide variety of templates are used to control the extent of the granularity and redundancy of the mirror ing and striping. Though, Oracle provides a variety of default templates for each type of file stored by ASM, nevertheless extra templates can also be developed according to needs of the organizations. In addition, failure groups are also established in a disk group in order to accommodate the varying needs of the databases and required intensity of redundancy. If a database uses a two-way mirroring then it will require a disk group to establish and maintain two failure groups in order that individual files can be written and stored at two places (Oracle-Base2, 2013 Abraham, Bagal, Bauer, Belden, Bridge, & Chan, 2012). Additionally, the ASM

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