Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Stages and Spheres of Discipleship Research Paper

Stages and Spheres of Discipleship - Research Paper ExampleThe spiritually dead do not consider saviour. They do not consider the Nazarene as their lord and savior. They are the un save and not born again people in the society. The spiritually dead do not believe in god. To them, the watchword is just a bunch of myths. Christians are intolerant and homophobic people to God and they need to develop patience. Religion is a crutch for the weak individuals and such take chances in god.1 They do not differentiate between the right and wrong and they consider what might be right for one person to be right for another person. For them, the truth is just relevant for the one who perceives it. The spiritually dead do not consider the existence of hell and consider many ways a person can get to God. They consider themselves good individuals, and when they die, everything will be okay. Ephesians two 1-5 God due to his great love for us and his rich mercy make us alive makes us alive with Ch rist even when we are dead in transgression.2These individuals just dwell the Christ as their lord and savior. They are in the stage to learn the way God taught his disciples. They are described as infant babies filled with many questions and with many curiosities. The spiritual infants consider it necessary to go to church regularly to learn more about Christ. The spiritual infants need to pray and read the bible regularly. They consider it not necessary to need anyone else in their lives apart from themselves and Jesus. However, the infants are faced with dilemmas they consider Jesus to be the solution of their problem. They will tell you that they were saved recently, but they still have problems in their lives. Peter 22-3 peter a servant and apostle of God says, To those who have received Gods righteous and Jesus Christ as their savior, Grace and peace be abundant upon them through the knowledge of Jesus Christ and God. The divine power of God will give them everything they nee d.3The spiritual children

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