Wednesday, June 12, 2019

CSR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

CSR - Essay Example2. Company 1 The first c eacher selected for review is Apple Inc., which has been the leading cellular steady since its beginning. 2.1 Apples Corporate Social province The main features of Apples corporate social responsibility as give tongue to in the website of the come with include a safer supply chain, respect and dignity for employees, and eco-friendly manufacturing processes. All of these features suggest that Apple Inc. takes good care of its adherence to the principles of corporate social responsibility. It is likewise stated on the website that the company considered and followed the guidelines of Global Reporting Initiative to prepare the information about CSR. Let us now discuss the main aspects of Apples Corporate Social Responsibility. 2.1.1 Environment Protection Apple Inc. makes special efforts for greenhouse assail emissions. In 2012, it is estimated that the companys input in the greenhouse gas emissions was nearly 30.9 million metric tons ( Apple Inc. 2013). Apple Inc. has adopted a well-planned approach to ensure environmental friendliness. The company finds ways to reduce the carbon measure though everything ranging from all types of products to all facilities. Apple Inc. large input in the greenhouse gas emissions represent the way the company make ups its products and carry out all business processes. The main source of Apples greenhouse gas emissions is its products, which include every activity involved in product development from manufacturing to recycling. The opposite but comparatively very minor source of emissions is its facilities and data centers. The company pays special attention towards bringing reduction in the use of energy to manufacture the products because to be energy efficient is essential for large-scale greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable Energy If we talk about the efforts of Apple inc. towards environmental sustainability, we come to that the company makes use of renewable energy so urces to reduce the burden on current sources of energy. The use of renewable energies also reduces the carbon footprint by reducing the wedge of data centers and corporate facilities (Apple Inc. 2013). Recycling The company also stresses on the importance of recycling and takes considerable steps to recycle the used products to make them usable one time again. The company collects all e-waste through voluntary and regulatory programs and processes it for reuse. Energy Efficiency The company measures the amount of greenhouse has emission released by the products, as well as during production of products through the life cycle approach. The company believes that this is the step that no other company takes to measure the level of energy efficiency (Apple Inc. 2013). 2.1.2 Supplier Responsibility Apple Inc. also takes care of employee rights and provides them with safe workplace so that they can fulfill their responsibilities properly. Not only this, the company also provides educational opportunities to employees in companionship to for them to improve their knowledge and work potential. Through inspections and improvement plans, the company makes sure that the suppliers adhere to the companys code of conduct. 2.1.3 Labor and Human Rights Apple Inc. also holds suppliers responsible for upholding the employees

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